What is EUREKA?
Eureka is the world`s biggest public network for international cooperation in R&D and innovation, present in over 45 countries. It consists of the following programmes:
Eurostars is part of the European Partnership on Innovative SMEs and the largest international funding programme for SMEs wishing to collaborate on R&D projects that create innovative producs, processes of services for commercialisation.
As an innovative SME, you can apply to Innowwide for a grant of €60.000 to assess the viability of your research or commercial ambitions in international markets.
Clusters are industry-led international communities focused on strategic technology areas that aim to meet market needs and solve economic, technological and societal challenges in the following areas: next-generation communications, low-carbon energy, software innovation, advanced manufacturing and production and electronic components and systems.
Funding programme for international R&D projects.
Globalstars is a funding programme with calls for projects with countries outside of the EUREKA network.
Find out more here
Open calls