UNDERPIN project: Marking the Six Months with the First General Assembly

We are six months into the UNDERPIN project. The complexity and demands of this development are evident, even when explaining the concept of a data space itself. This challenge is one of the critical objectives of the project, as a clear understanding of data spaces is essential for future users to grasp the value brought by the UNDERPIN Data Space.

Date: 3. 06. 2024

To review our achievements thus far, the consortium representatives gathered for the first General Assembly on May 14-15 in Limassol, Cyprus. Hosted by INNOV-ACTS, the two-day UNDERPIN General Assembly featured presentations from each Work Package lead, highlighting the outputs achieved in the first six months and outlining the activities planned for the upcoming period. All partners attended the General Assembly and actively participated in the meetings. The presentations sparked numerous discussions, with each lead encouraging partners to address key questions that emerged.
EU-funded projects come with clearly defined tasks and deadlines. While technical tasks and concrete project advancements and reaching milestones require time, project communication begins in the first month and it doesn`t stop. As the work package lead for communication and dissemination (WP6), Tiko Pro has committed its experienced team to this important aspect of the project. Our team not only excels in project preparation but also has substantial practical experience in the marketing domain and EU project communication and dissemination.

Effective communication and dissemination are often underestimated. It's not just about sharing information; it's about reaching your target audience and potential (project) clients effectively. This is particularly crucial for a project like UNDERPIN, where the concept of data spaces needs to be clearly understood to appreciate the project's full value and to successfully onboard data space consumers.

Although the most significant technological advancements are still ahead of us, we have reached the planned milestones thanks to the intensive collaboration between project partners. We have successfully submitted the first deliverables, the project partners presented UNDEPRIN Data Space at the Data Space Symposium in Darmstadt (Germany), the IDSA (International Data Space Association) added the project to the Data Space Radar Report, technical partners organised the first workshops and a series of datathons are already in the pipeline…

The pivotal moment is here, and our focus is on developing the UNDERPIN Data Space, addressing technical challenges, and establishing business models to create a sustainable ecosystem for the UNDERPIN Data Space. Orchestration with similar initiatives and outlining the community building activities are important steps need to scale out the UNDERPIN data space.

We continue to open more doors for collaboration with similar initiatives, organizations, and SMEs to find and develop data space for manufacturing in refineries and wind farms that will innovate the way the data is shared and exchanged, creating new opportunities for all users of the data space.

We invite you to stay tuned for updates while we work towards a more interconnected, sustainable and data-driven manufacturing ecosystem called UNDERPIN Data Space. 

Stay tuned for updates as we work towards a more interconnected, sustainable, and data-driven manufacturing ecosystem called the UNDERPIN Data Space. For more information about the project, visit www.underpinproject.eu and follow our UNDERPIN LinkedIn page.

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