Above all, the project proposal must represent a synthesis of the project, where the key elements of the project are analyzed and arranged.
Kristina Kočet Hudrap from the company Tiko Pro, specializing in obtaining grants from Brussels is explaining where they see the advantages of participating in European projects and what advice would she give to companies.
- When applying to Brussels, make sure that your project is prepared with a bigger European picture in mind.
- Be honest with yourself when answering the question: Is our project truly innovative? The Commission does not want to co-finance redundant changes in these calls. The Commission is looking for ground-breaking projects that are beyond "state-of-the-art". Unfortunately, some project proposals are just not innovative enough.
- When reviewing a multitude of calls, it is important to find the right one for our project. The Commission publishes the expected impact or what it wants to achieve on a particular topic, and projects must address every impact within the call.
- Create the best consortium imaginable, if required by the call. The consortium should consist of scientists, universities, research institutes, small and medium-sized enterprises, and a major industrial partner.
- The person who will be the project coordinator must have experience in managing large projects.
- All project partners must demonstrate that they have sufficient financial resources to carry out the project activities.
- The innovation management plan is a very important activity of any project where partners are involved. You need to already discuss intellectual property in the phase of preparing a project proposal so that there are no unpleasant surprises later.
“If you address all of these aspects, you have substantial chances for success however, keep in mind that developing a project proposal requires your time and inspiration. The start of such projects is a year and a half after the start of the first activities. There are no shortcuts here. You cannot write an algorithm and we cannot predict the result," emphasizes Kristina Kočet Hudrap from Tiko Pro.
Kristina Kočet Hudrap: “The competition for support within the Horizon 2021-2027 program is tough. The first question you need to ask yourself is: Will we be able to build a business with our idea, will we offer people something beyond their imagination and thus change the game in the market that we are entering? If the answer is YES, you are already in a good way."