1. EUR 103.5 billion from the Next Generation EU programme will be spent on regional tourism and agricultural development, energy renewal, mobility, digitisation of the public sector, and broadband, among others,
2. EUR 13.6 billion for research and development under Horizon Europe,
3. EUR 3.5 billion for the Erasmus+ programme and EUR 325 million for artists under the Creative Europe programme,
4. EUR 2.2 billion for space technologies, research and development, under the EU Space programme,
5. EUR 4.8 billion for digital development, including in cross-border infrastructure and European chips,
6. EUR 2.3 billion for environment and climate action, under the LIFE programme as well as for a just and inclusive green transition under the Just Transition Fund.
The remainder will be dedicated to common defense and security, improving the common single market as well as health care. Upcoming EU funding opportunities will be frequent, diverse and worthy of close monitoring and quality preparation.

copyright: European Commission, Directorate-General for Budget
Is your organisation or company looking to realise a project idea with the support of EU funds? Or have you already identified a suitable open call and need expert support? At Tiko Pro, we are available for continuous, tailor-made monitoring of EU funds in line with your eligibility, as well as for expert "hands-on" support in writing your project proposals.
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