

The Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Slovenia-Austria is a cross-border cooperation programme between Slovenia and Austria in the programme period 2021-2027.

Date: 27. 09. 2022

The SI-AT programme area of the Slovenia-Austria border region covers 16 NUT regions, 8 in Slovenia (Pomurska, Podravska, Koroška, Savinjska, Zasavska, Osrednjeslovenska, Gorenjska, Goriška) and 8 in Austria (Südburgenland, Kärnten, Klagenfurt-Villach, Oberkärnten, Unterkärnten, Graz, Östliche Obersteiermark, Oststeiermark, West- und Südsteiermark).

The program allocates in total cca. 45,6 milion EUR available funds between 3 priorities, with co-financing rate of 70 % to 80 % depending on the legal status of the project partner. The Interreg Slovenia – Austria programme is structured into 3 priorities, with 2 specific object each:

    1. Promoting climate change, risk prevention and disaster resilience

Projects implemented within this objective should introduce applicable approaches and solutions regarding climate protection, biodiversity loss and adaptation to the effects of climate change. Actions related to reduction of CO2, joint management of water bodies, safeguarding biodiversity, nature protection, risk prevention and disaster resilience are encouraged. The total funds available for this specific objective amount to EUR 12,6 million.

  1. Promoting transition to a circular economy

Projects addressing this objective should aim to establish new value chains according to the economic principles of closed material flows, support awareness-raising, improve knowledge and skills and support networking of different stake holders across the border to develop and test joint circular economy solutions. The total funds available for this specific objective amount to EUR 8.5 million.

    1. Developing skills and competences for work and life

Projects within this specific objective should aim at providing competences needed for strengthening the competitiveness of the programme area and its transition to a green and digital economy. Furthermore, the specific objective aims to improve intercultural and language competences to advance cross-border cooperation. The total funds available for this specific objective amount to EUR 8.5 million.

  1. Sustainable economic development based on culture and tourism potentials

Projects implemented within this objective should increase sustainability, competitiveness and resilience of tourism based on sustainable use of local, natural and cultural assets. The objective aims to activate potentials of the culture, cultural heritage and creative industries for economic development and strengthening of the identity of the programme area. The inclusion and cooperation of small family businesses and the development of tourism and culture in rural and directly bordering regions is to be promoted. The total funds available for this specific objective amount to EUR 8.5 million.

Target groups:

  • Local, regional, and national public authorities and sectoral agencies, especially those active in the field of tourism, culture and nature protection, rural development
  • Interest groups including NGOs, especially those operating in the field of tourism, culture, nature, training and education, greening and digitalisation, rural development, cluster organisations 
  • Higher education and research organisations 
  • Education/training centres and schools, especially those engaged in culture and tourism
  • SMEs, especially those in the field of tourism and culture and creative industries
  • Business support organisations, such as start-up centres, business incubators, innovation hubs
  • EGTCs
  • General public


For better understanding of the programme and its expected results, there is a list of approved projects on the Interreg Slovenia – Austria official website HERE, to serve as a reference point for future projects.

One of the approved projects was ABS – Network, which sought out to develop a solar thermally activated facade panel (STAF-panel) for the effective use of solar energy to reduce the energy demand of the building. The project lasted roughly 2 years (from 1st of June 2017 to 31st of July 2019) and was appointed 690.161,75 EUR contracted form the ERDF. The project targeted the priority axis Strengthening R&I in technological and economic fields of strength through CB cooperation of relevant stakeholders. The lead partner for the project was Technische Universität Graz and the fellow partners were TIKO PRO d.o.o. and Talum d.d.

Another project that was approved was 321 GO. The overall objective of the project was to create a sustainable cultural-touristic destination, based on developing the message of cultural heritage and introducing the cultural-touristic products. The project lasted roughly 3 years (from the 1st of June 2016 to the 31st of may 2019) and collected 752.032,13 EUR form the ERDS. The project contributed towards the Priority axis 2 of the programme “achieving sustainable development of natural and cultural heritage”. The lead partner of the project was jOPERA jennersdorf festivalsommer and co-partners were Javni zavod Krajinski park Goričko as well as Pomurski muzej Murska Sobota.

For more informations about the program, download the PDF file:


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