
Customer story: Solid testimony

SOLID SES is a system engineering company that provides customer-centred turnkey solutions for Planning and Operation of large-scale solar thermal energy systems. They were working with Tiko Pro on the EIC Pilot Application process. We were talking to Mr. Bernhard Gerardts about their experience.

Date: 29. 10. 2020

SOLID Solar Energy Systems is a system engineering company that provides customer-centred turnkey solutions for Planning and Operation of large-scale solar thermal energy systems. They were working with Tiko Pro on the EIC Pilot Application process. We were talking to Mr. Bernhard Gerardts about their experience. Check out the interview. 

  1. Can you please make a short introduction of company SOLID – what you do?
    SOLID SES is a system engineering company that provides customer-centred turnkey solutions for Planning and Operation of large-scale solar thermal energy systems. SOLID brings together extraordinary knowledge, experience in market application and R&D in areas of planning and operation of large-scale solar thermal energy systems and solar thermal technologies (collectors, long term storages and heat pumps) to the benefit of our customers. Multiple references for solar heat in industrial processes, solar air conditioning systems and integration into district heating systems were accomplished worldwide. Each of our 300 reference systems enables energy and costs savings for our customers: through the best technological solution, realized with appropriate business model, planned and operated at top quality. As a system integrator for large-scale solar thermal energy systems, SOLID conveys customer`s needs into real-life success stories and remains its committed partner over decades.
  2. How did you come across company Tiko Pro?
    SOLID is allocated in Graz, Austria, and holds tight contact to local, national and EU funding agencies. We share our needs and ideas with these institutions – and when SME Green Deal Call opened, we got in contact with the local funding agency of the region Styria (SFG). Michael Kerschbaumer, in person, introduced TikoPro to SOLID to get support in preparing the proposal.
  3. How was it working with us, which were your expectations and whether they have been met?
    SOLID has experiences in the proposal preparation processes, including all challenges and risks. The Accelerator call is highly challenging in all topics that must be covered in the proposal. The most important soft skill in this entire process is asking questions – and asking more questions in order to challenge argumentations from different perspectives. This quality is needed as we do not scrutinize all daily argumentations anymore. In Tiko Pro we expected to find a partner, that manages to get to the bottom of our argumentation in order to sharpen the argumentation and the narrative. SOLID reduced own effort significantly by this cooperation, as Tiko Pro do anytime have a perfect overview of the proposal preparation process. And as the deadline is moving closer, pressure increases and the process becomes personally challenging, SOLID expects constructive and focused cooperation. We found in TikoPro a trustful and reliable partner, that understands
    • the art of rising questions to ongoingly challenge our argumentations,
    • the process of proposal preparation perfectly,
    • being constructive, polite and focused every moment in this challenging process.
  4. How does Tiko Pro “do it’s job”, what can you tell about our work dynamics and approaches?
    The initial hurdle was to convince Tiko Pro from our innovation: the questions raised are the moment to get an understanding for the partner – and its fruitful collaboration. At the very beginning all started with an overview and requirements of all documents needed Tiko Pro has a precise picture on the requirements of a well sounding narrative of the proposal and on the presentation of the content to the European Commission. This gives confidence and enables SOLID to focus on aspects we are experts in. SOLID was perfectly supported in every moment of this proposal preparation process. The CORONA crisis was not an additional challenge, as all partners were used to online telcos. These telcos were short-term and straightforward arranged, as needed for the progress.
  5. What would you recommend to companies, searching for a partner to prepare an EU funding project?
    As soon as possible you should be confronted with direct and clear questions regarding your innovation and the correlating environment (competitor analysis etc).
  6. Your recommendation for Tiko Pro.
    Keep asking questions and find the weak points of the innovations in order to sharpen game changing ideas. Help your customers to get a general overview on the required documents. By staying obliging and critical you support the world become a better place.

Tiko Pro team would like to thank Solid SES company, Mr. Gerardts and Mr. Holter for this interview.

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