
DIGI-B-CUBE open call: SMEs against COVID-19

DIGI-B-CUBE offers direct financial support to project focusing on integrating digital innovations and disruptive technologies across the Medical Diagnostics and related value chains.

Date: 16. 06. 2020

The INNOSUP funded DIGI-B-CUBE project aims to unlock the cross-sectoral potential of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and generate innovative solutions to reconfigure patient-centred diagnostics towards a Health Economy 4.0.

The COVID-19 pandemic represents an unprecedented challenge for healthcare systems and societies worldwide. As a result, there is an urgent need to support SMEs capable of delivering innovative projects addressing the broad range of COVID-19 related challenges.

In this context, the project recently launched a call aimed at SMEs to fight COVID-19 through transversal collaborative projects. DIGI-B-CUBE offers direct financial support up to € 60 000 per SME (including new start-ups) from the relevant sectors:

  • Healthcare medicine; 
  • Biotech;
  • Biopharma;
  • IT;
  • Robotics;
  • Automation;
  • Electronics;
  • Nanotech. 

The first cut-off date of the call is 29 July 2020 and the evaluation process takes maximum 4 weeks starting from the respective deadline. The second cut-off date will be on 03 February 2021.

For more information on the call, click here.

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