
Digital Europe Programme: €200 million for digital tech

The Commission has opened the third set of calls for proposals of the Digital Europe Programme, worth €200 million, under the 2021-2022 Work Programmes.

Date: 24. 10. 2022

The calls are available to businesses, public administrations, and other entities from the EU Member States, EFTA/EEA countries, and associated countries.

Funding is available through different tenders, which are already opened:

  • data spaces for smart communities, media and manufacturing,
  • the development of an artificial intelligence (AI) platform to provide easy access for business and public administrations to trustworthy AI tools made in Europe,
  • cloud-to-edge infrastructure,
  • investment in specialised education programmes in the area of advanced digital technologies.

The deadline for these calls is 24 January 2023.

More information here

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