
EBSCON 2023: Advancing the Twin Transition for a Sustainable Future

On 11 October 2023, Graz hosted Electronic Based Systems Conference, the flagship event of the European semiconductor and electronics industry. EBSCON provides a platform where visionaries, developers, and stakeholders meet to discuss, innovate, and shape the future of EBS. This year, the “twin transition” approach was scrutinized - it is about how the digital and green transformation can be driven forward together as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Date: 13. 10. 2023

The conference spotlighted how the tech industry can shoulder its responsibility, developing technologies that simultaneously support and accelerate both the digital and green transformations. Furthermore, the emphasis on the interdependence of digitalization and sustainable energy infrastructures provided valuable insights into navigating the path ahead.

Maintaining its reputation as a "Green Event," EBSCON attracted over 300 decision-makers from 15 countries. Prominent national and international industry players provided their insights and answers. Attendees were inspired by keynotes from leaders such as Henriette Spyra (Director General Innovation and Technology, Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology Austria), Markus Messerer (Chief Strategy & Commercial Officer at Telia Company), and Dorethe Nielsen (Vice President of Novo Nordisk A/S). The participants were also invited to “BarCamp” discussions on disruptive technologies and business resilience, and had the opportunity to network through organized B2B meetings. The event was concluded with a keynote by Wolf Lotter and a panel discussion featuring industry leaders, offering a glimpse into the future.

Andreas Gerstenmayer, CEO of AT&S, stressed the need for greater efforts in the industry. He highlighted the challenges of managing a global supply chain securely and resiliently. While it's unrealistic to bring the entire microelectronic supply chain back to Europe, it's essential to have a global strategy. He emphasized the importance of political frameworks that support resilient, globally distributed supply chains. Gerstenmayer believes Europe's current initiatives are crucial for fostering innovation and maintaining existing technologies. He also underscored the need to introduce cutting-edge microelectronic technologies in Europe. While Europe may not have high production capacities, it's vital to have the capabilities.

Currently, Europe relies heavily on the US for innovation and Asia for manufacturing.
This gap is why AT&S has invested 550 million EUR in an R&D center in Leoben.

My visit to EBSCON 2023 as a Tiko Pro representative was insightful and productive. Among other, I have learned that today’s modern busses for urban transport are actually smartphones on wheels, reducing the fuel consumption up to 15% due to digital intelligence. The conference's emphasis on the "twin transition" highlighted the growing importance of sustainable and digital solutions in the competitiveness of EU market. Seeing the industry's development and direction, it's clear that there are attractive opportunities for businesses to leverage EU grants for their green and digital projects.

With the knowledge gained, Tiko Pro is now better equipped to advise companies in their strategic endeavors. During the event, we established new connections within the industry, aiming to assist them in securing EU funds. We invite others interested in exploring these funding opportunities to contact us on

Increase your chances - contact us. Do you need help with EU funding? Contact us
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