
EIC Accelerator - cutoff dates for 2023

The European Commission adopted the 2023 work programme of the European Innovation Council. It opens funding opportunities worth over €1.6 billion in 2023 for breakthrough innovators to scale up and create new markets.

Date: 7. 12. 2022

Funding and support in 2023

EIC Accelerator (€1.13 billion) for start-ups and SMEs to develop and scale up high impact innovations with the potential to create new markets or disrupt existing ones.


In 2023, the indicative cutoff dates are: 11 January, 22 March, 7 June and 4 October.

You can apply for the EIC Accelerator Open (no predefined thematic priorities or the EIC Accelerator Challenges where the indicative thematic challenges in 2023 are):

  • Novel Biomarker-based assays to guide personalized cancer treatment
  • Aerosol and surface decontamination for pandemic management
  • Energy storage
  • New European Bauhaus: Digitisation for sustainable and inclusive built environment
  • Quantum computers hardware and real environment quantum sensors
  • Sustainable and resilient agriculture
  • Customer driven, innovative space technologies and services 

More about the EIC Accelerator programme HERE

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