
EIC work programme worth over €1.7 billion in 2022

On February 9, the Commissioner Mariya Gabriel has announced the adoption of the 2022 work programme of the European Innovation Council (EIC) worth over €1.7 billion in 2022

Date: 24. 02. 2022

EIC Pathfinder: €350 million for multi-disciplinary research teams to undertake visionary research with the potential to lead to technology breakthroughs.

More about Pathfinder HERE

  • Deadline for submission: Pathfinder Open: 3 May 2022; Pathfinder Challenges: 19 October 2022

EIC Accelerator: 1.16 billion for start-ups and SMEs to develop and scale up high impact innovations with the potential to create new markets or disrupt existing ones.

More about Accelerator HERE

  • Deadline for submission: Short application: any time; Full application 2022: 23 March, 15 June, 05 October

EIC Transition: €131 million to turn research results into innovation opportunities and to build a business case for specific applications.

Following the budget increase of the EIC as part of the research programme Horizon Europe, the EIC supports visionary entrepreneurs and researchers with breakthrough innovations and new technologies and is backed up by the new measures to support female entrepreneurs and scale-ups. With the new EIC Scale-up 100 initiative, the EIC will identify 100 promising deep tech companies with the highest value creation potential and introduces other measures to facilitate innovation activity.

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