
EU4Health - Horizon Europe Draft Work Programme 2021-2027

EU4Health is EU’s response to COVID-19, which has had a major impact on medical and healthcare staff, patients and health systems in Europe. By investing €9.4 billion, therefore becoming the largest health programme ever in monetary terms, EU4Health will provide funding to EU countries, health organisations and NGOs. Funding will be open for applications in 2021.

Date: 14. 12. 2020

The Health Cluster of Horizon Europe aims at promotion of health and well-being of the Europeans as one of the central objectives of the European Union`s policies and programmes. Efforts will be devoted to develop an economy that works for people by supporting Member States in making innovative high-quality health technologies and health care both available and affordable for citizens as well as to rendering health care systems more accessible and sustainable, including through the digital transformation of health and care. This entails that citizens can rely on effective health care services that address their medical needs and reduce the burden on them, their families and communities as well as that people should be assisted in promoting their own health and preventing diseases.

To ensure synergies and complementarities between the EU programmes, Horizon Europe will focus on creating new knowledge, while the EU4Health programme will focus on making the best possible use of this new knowledge for the benefit of citizens and health systems. In particular, Europe`s Beating Cancer Action plan will support Member States in improving cancer prevention, control and care. As part of the European Green Deal, the EU will take a One Health approach in tackling the impact of environmental degradation, pollution, biodiversity loss and climate change on citizen`s health and well-being as well as on health care systems and their ability to adapt rapidly to changing health care needs and conditions, due to global change. Crucial for making Europe fit for the digital age will be to unleash the full potential of digital tools and data-enabled research and innovation.

“Research and innovation actions under this cluster will be key to address the health-related challenges by advancing knowledge and capabilities, improving our understanding of health and diseases, developing innovative methodological and technological solutions to better manage health and diseases, and designing sustainable approaches for the digital transformation and delivery of integrated, person-centred and equitable health and care services with improved accessibility and health outcomes supported by needs-driven innovation and reliable supply chains in Europe.”

For more detailed information check out the attached Horizon Europe Programme (HORIZON) - Work Programme 2021-2022 for Health. 



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