
Faculty of Polymer Technology - IPPT-TWINN project

The IPPT-TWINN project aims to reinforce scientific excellence, and teaching capacity in the field of innovative polymer processing technologies.

Date: 1. 02. 2023

Tiko Pro was engaged after a first attempt to aply failed. The team at Tiko Pro engaged in coaching the Faculty’s team for a second try. The main objective of the Call was to facilitate the ability of the applicant and the consortium partners to perform in the Calls of the European Commission as well as to increase the visibility of project partners on the international level.

About the project

The faculty’s strategic goal is to become a regional lighthouse in the field of Polymer processing technologies in Slovenia and the broader Balkan region. For this reason the project IPPT-TWINN focussed on reinforcing scientific excellence and improving teaching capacity. Another objective was to leverage the skills and experience of the faculty’s team members so they embrace possibilities to participate in calls by the European Commission. A third emphasis was on increasing the visibility of project partners on the international level. Additionally the faculty managed to include a focus on innovation, improving administrative skills and strengthening gender equality amongst faculty members within their proposal.

"Tiko-Pro’s support was perceived as valuable while assessing potential project risks in the implementation phase as well as by looking into the finances of the project. Working together with Tiko Pro has definitely improved the chances of being awarded."

Assoc Prof. Dr. Blaž Nardin, Dean of Faculty of Polymer Technology, Slovenia

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