
Good Practice Case TIKO PRO - EUROSTARS 3 / EUREKA

IPS-ABR A software tool based on artificial intelligence for real-time stabilization of the production process and accelerated release of manufactured drugs to the market for the pharmaceutical industry.

Date: 6. 11. 2022


Slovenian company Metronik d.o.o. (provider of innovative solutions/systems in the field of automation and digitalization and information solutions for production) together with its Belgian partner De Roeve Industrial IT (the leading Belgian creator and integrator of comprehensive solutions in the field of automation and digitalization for industrial customers) applied for the Eurostars 3 tender within the framework of the EUREKA initiative, which supports innovative SMEs and their partners with co-financing, in the implementation of joint research and development and innovation projects, the result of which is a new process, product or service and which have a short time to enter the market.

The two companies successfully applied for the project "A software tool based on artificial intelligence for real-time stabilization of the production process and accelerated release of manufactured drugs to the market for the pharmaceutical industry" and obtained funds in the amount of EUR 208,817.14 for development activities that will last 36 months.

With the support of the Eurostars program, the companies will develop an innovative software solution that, based on collected and appropriately processed data from pharmaceutical production, will ensure a higher quality of manufactured drugs and an increase in process, material and energy efficiency with the help of artificial intelligence. With its help, key processes in production will be accelerated, their stability will increase and the number of errors or deviations will be reduced, which will help medicines of the highest possible quality reach the people who need them faster.


The role of our company Tiko Pro in the resubmission was to review and advise on the preparation of documentation for the project.

»We were very satisfied with the cooperation, it was professional, in-depth and responsive. Clear directions for improvements were given, which we implemented in a few iterations and thus came to an even higher quality application, which in the end also convinced the evaluators. We are satisfied that we succeeded together and that we can now start development.«
Aleš Temeljotov,
Head of Sales and Operations

Comments of two project evaluators on the prepared documentation:

»Excellent example of a well prepared project proposal, fully addressing and elaborating on each and every aspect of the individual evaluation criteria, complemented by a professional business plan.«

»Funding recommended. It is a resubmission and the proposers did their homework.«

We are proud to cooperate in such projects for this purpose.     

About the project:

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