
Health funding agenda under Horizon Europe programme

Are you a healthcare provider, an institution for health research, technological small and medium sized enterprise for the health industry, a medical inventor, healthcare tech enthusiast, med tech startup or industry giant? Interested in research and innovation funding actions of the European Union to expedite development of high-quality cutting edge health technologies and health care?   

Date: 19. 01. 2021

If so, then this is the right place to be, as in the presented series we will give you facts on the upcoming funding opportunities for your innovative health projects in the framework of the Horizon Europe programme.   

Addressing effective healthcare services as well as promotion of health and disease prevention, the €95,5 billion Horizon programme has set its headline targets for health related challenges: 

  1. Staying healthy in a rapidly changing society 

  1. Living & Working in a health-promoting environment  

  1. Tackling diseases & reducing disease burden 

  1. Ensuring access to innovative, sustainable and high-quality health care 

  1. Unlocking the full potential of new tools, technologies and digital solutions for a healthy society 

  1. Maintaining an innovative, sustainable & globally competitive health industry 

The targets, that go by the name »Destinations«, will be achieved through financed projects as a response to Calls for Proposals. 

This series will be concerned with the Horizon Europe tentative health funding agenda for 2021 – 2022 and will include information on common criteria and general rules for participation.  

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