
Horizon Europe and EIC Accelerator in the new financial perspective (2021 - 2027)

Horizon Europe is the largest framework programme of the European Union for research and innovation in the new financial perspective 2021-2027. The total financial power for the next 7 years is €95,5 billion.

Date: 12. 01. 2021

As with its predecessor programme, Horizon 2020, the majority of the Calls requires international cooperation, meaning established partnerships between minimum 3 partners from 3 different eligible countries. The co-financing for participants, be it a company, research organisation, academic institution or others, is between 70% and 100%, depending on the type and size of the participant.

The main objective of the programme is to facilitate excellent projects across Europe to boost competitiveness of the European Union. The missions of the programme are commitments to adapt to climate change, to fight cancer, to ensure soil health and food, to live in greener and smart cities and to protect our oceans and seas.

Innovative SMEs and start-ups will continue to enjoy the support through financing of their disruptive innovations within the EIC Accelerator (sole application, no partnership required) and while applicants will be able to apply with whatever topic, the priority will be given to sustainable projects. Key words are: green, digital transformation and resilience. Two Calls are available in 2021: 09.06. and 06.10., with a maximum grant of up to 2,5 million (70% co-financing) and with additional option of equity support up to €15 million.

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