
Over 2000 submissions for EIC Accelerator, the €132 million Pathfinder Challenge is open

Since the opening of the EIC Accelerator on 9 April, over 2000 start-ups and SMEs submitted short applications. 

Date: 23. 06. 2021

Since the opening of the EIC Accelerator on 9 April, over 2000 start-ups and SMEs submitted short applications, and 801 of these progressed to submit a full application for funding for the first EIC Accelerator cut-off on 16 June. 375 companies applied for the Open call to fund breakthrough innovations in any field of technology and application while 426 applied for support to develop breakthrough innovations.

Proposals are now being evaluated by independent experts. If you are one of the lucky successful companies, expect an invite to pitch in front of a Jury of investors and business experts for September.

If you are a new applicant you can submit your short application at any time using the EIC AI platform.

The next cut-off date for full applications is 6 October 2021 but new applicants are encouraged to submit their short applications in July or August so they can be assessed in time (approximately 4 weeks for short applications) to prepare the full application.


With its five Pathfinder Challenges for the 2021 call, EIC invites you to bring together the best in science and engineering to crack some of the toughest nuts in key areas of future technologies. It builds on cutting-edge directions in science and technology to create new market opportunities. Focusing on the highest risk science-to-technology path with the highest gain in innovation potential, will (if successful) sweep across industrial and societal sectors.

The Challenges we are tackling:

Awareness inside

What changes, when the system has awareness, in terms of performance, flexibility, acceptability or user experience? This challenge seeks theoretical and technological answers to these questions. This Challenge seeks to alter the way we engage with technology.

Tools to measure and stimulate activity in brain tissue 

Exploiting the unique opportunities offered by recent technological progress and rapid advances in our understanding of how electrical signals in the central and peripheral nervous system relate to clinically impactful disorders, this challenge seeks to develop novel diagnostic and therapeutic technologies.

Emerging technologies in cell and gene therapy (CGT) 

Cell and Gene therapy is a fiercely competitive field that is full of challenges and obstacles. This Challenge aims to strengthen European consortia, start-ups and spinoffs to compete and sustain themselves at critical points on the way from discovery to manufacturing.

Novel routes to green hydrogen production 

Green hydrogen will be essential for achieving Europe’s green ambition. This challenge aims at novel ways to produce green hydrogen at different scales (from small to large) and entirely based on renewable sources and non-toxic, non-critical raw materials.

Engineered living materials 

This challenge aims to harness the engineering potential of nature for materials’ production. It targets new technologies and platforms for the production of made-on-demand living materials with predictable dynamic functionalities, shapes, and scales.


The deadline for submission of proposals is on 27 October 2021. 


Find out more about the Challenges HERE!

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