
ThreeFold - Decentralisation in the data economy

Chris Hutton from company ThreeFold was joining us on our Tiko Pro event "EU funding opportunities in 2021-2027", with his presentation about the decentralisation in the data economy. ThreeFold Tech NV is a Belgian software development company, focused on meeting the demand for decentralisation within the data economy. Check out the interesting presentation. 

Date: 4. 11. 2020


Company ThreeFold

ThreeFold Tech NV is a Belgian software development company, focused on meeting the demand for decentralisation within the data economy. We are focussed on decentralisation of compute and storage infrastructure and decentralisation of data ownership and information privacy. We hold ourselves true to three focal points in terms of positive impact for both humanity and our planet: SOVEREIGNTY, EQUALITY and SUSTAINABILITY. Our reason for being is centred around our firm belief, that a decentralised data economy has to be democratized, neutral and secure to provide sovereignty to all stakeholders and their data, that it needs to be peer-to-peer, available everywhere and owned by everyone and that it has to be environmentally conscious. With these key attributes to deliver upon, ThreeFold Tech is developing an innovative technology in cloud computing, enabling the federation of existing and new digital assets across all stakeholders (service providers, enterprises, government etc) into one decentralised EU data infrastructure. Our main reference project ThreeFold Grid (link) bears testimony to our technology and ability to deliver a truly decentralised and autonomous cloud infrastructure. The ThreeFold Grid exists today in 21 countries with more almost 90PB of storage and 24k CPU cores available. It proves an internet owned by everyone for everyone is achievable.

Chris Hutton

As an avid technologist, Chris Hutton has 25 years industry experience having worked at multiple tiers within the IT supply chain. Business development has been his primary focus within multiple systems integrators and OEM's during this term. Chris has always focussed on assessing market trends and demands and consequently researching niche and innovative technologies with the potential to meet those demands. This approach has seen Chris successfully execute or assist in the go-to-market for multiple new technology brands to the African region. Inspired to make a real difference, Chris is currently charged with the success of ThreeFold Tech NV and proudly works with a passionate team sharing a common vision to deliver impact through technology.

On EIC Accelerator they got Seal of Excellence. Why can Seal of Excellence be a success story? Read here

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