
Europe's STEP Forward in Technology Investments

"Empowering Europe's technological future, the Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform (STEP) is the EU's robust initiative to drive innovation, sustainability, and industry growth, setting the stage for a brighter, greener tomorrow."

Date: 21. 09. 2023

The Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform (STEP) stands as Europe's response to the pressing need to amplify investments in pivotal technologies within the continent. The primary objective of STEP is to bolster, harness, and direct EU funds, both existing and forthcoming, towards investments in profound and digital, clean, and biotechnologies within the EU. Moreover, it aims to invest in individuals capable of integrating these technologies into the economy.

STEP is dedicated to fortifying Europe's future readiness by enhancing the EU’s competitiveness across key sectors. This commitment is channelled through strategic investments in deep and digital technologies, such as microelectronics, artificial intelligence, and 5G, which are pivotal in addressing global challenges like climate change. Clean technologies, encompassing renewable energy, hydrogen, and carbon capture, aim to bolster the EU's position in the global clean energy sector. Additionally, biotechnologies, focusing on biomolecules, pharmaceuticals, and crop biotechnology, play a crucial role in modernizing sectors like healthcare and agriculture. Through these areas, the STEP Platform seeks to accelerate funding access and foster innovation across the continent.

STEP is committed to strengthening investments in companies that play a pivotal role in maintaining Europe's forefront position in critical technologies. This support spans the entire life cycle of companies, ensuring they flourish and mature within the Union. Beneficiaries range from small and medium enterprises (SMEs), including start-ups, to middle-sized enterprises and even larger companies. STEP's focus encompasses various stages of business development, offering equity support to non-bankable SMEs, grants for clean tech and deep tech projects, and comprehensive support for entities active in deep tech, clean tech, and biotech sectors.

A significant introduction by STEP is the Sovereignty seal. This EU quality label is awarded to high-scoring projects in competitive calls for proposals under programs like Horizon Europe, the Digital Europe programme, and others. Projects with this seal not only signify their alignment with the STEP objectives but also gain privileged access to other STEP funding sources if they couldn't secure financing from their initial program. This seal aids in attracting investments and streamlines access to EU funding, guiding market participants in their investment decisions and promoting cumulative funding from various EU budget instruments.

The Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform (STEP) is set to allocate its €10 billion fund across various key sectors: InvestEU will receive €3 billion, Horizon Europe is earmarked for €500 million, the Innovation Fund will be allocated €5 billion, and the European Defence Fund will benefit from €1.5 billion. To encourage member states to redirect cohesion funds towards STEP's priority areas, the European Commission would offer member states a higher level of pre-financing and even the possibility of 100% financing for projects that align with the platform's priorities.

The EU's Strategic Technologies European Platform (STEP) could be your gateway to funding that propels your innovative endeavors. At Tiko Pro, our expertise lies in navigating businesses seamlessly through the STEP application maze. We're committed to maximizing your chances of tapping into this financial reservoir. For tailored advice and a guided journey, connect with our experts at

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