
EIC Accelerator - funding for innovative start-ups

Are you an innovative start-up with a groundbreaking idea that has the potential to disrupt your industry?

Date: 17. 05. 2023

If so, the EIC Accelerator program is the perfect opportunity for you!

This EU-funded program is designed to provide financial support and mentoring to high-potential start-ups that are looking to take their business to the next level. With the EIC Accelerator, you'll have access to a wealth of resources and expertise that can help you turn your vision into a reality.

Whether you need funding to develop your prototype, hire key personnel, or expand your operations, the EIC Accelerator has you covered. With grants of up to €2.5 million, as well as coaching and networking opportunities, you'll have everything you need to scale up and make a lasting impact in your industry.

But it's not just about the funding - the EIC Accelerator is also committed to supporting diversity and inclusion in entrepreneurship. They encourage applications from all backgrounds and are dedicated to providing equal opportunities to all  participants.

The next deadlines this year are June 7 and October 4. So if you're ready to take your start-up to the next level, don't miss this chance to apply for the EIC Accelerator program. With programs support, you can turn your vision into a reality and make your mark on the world. Apply today and let's make innovation happen!

To learn more about the program, click HERE.

For more information about the EIC Accelerator, contact us: or fill out the contact form.

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Fuzzy kettle~ Contain terms that are close to the word kettle, such as cattle
Wild cat* Contain terms that begin with cat, such as category and the extact term cat itself
Exact-Single orange Contain the term orange
Exact-Phrase "dnn is awesome" Contain the exact phase dnn is awesome
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Combo (agile OR extreme) AND methodology Contain methodology and must also contain agile and/or extreme
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