
Tiko Pro Free Webinar - Winning Digital Europe projects

Dear Entrepreneurs, we are excited to announce our upcoming free webinar on Wednesday, 14th of June, where we will be discussing the important topic of winning Digital Europe projects.

Date: 31. 05. 2023

Our session will provide valuable insights on:

  • Digital Europe program in a nutshell,
  • best practices from a recently won project.

Please join us on Wednesday, 14th of June, at 9 am.

Presenters: Uroš Malbašić, Marjeta Maurer

Uroš Malbašić is an experienced funding specialist for national and EU-funded programs. With 14 years of professional experience, his competencies and skills lie in identifying the most appropriate call for a given project and helping to tailor the project to best meet the requirements of the call. With the lecture Digital Europe, in a Nutshell, Uroš will provide you with important insights into the calls that keep Telcos and IT system integrators on their toes and give you the power to go even more digital and fund it!

Marjeta Maurer is a highly experienced project manager, with an impressive track record of 20 years in handling national and EU-funded programs. Her expertise lies in both, project preparation, which includes establishing consortia, designing projects, and budgeting, as well as project implementation, where she excels in planning, monitoring, coordinating activities, managing day-to-day operations, and ensuring project success. Marjeta will present a successful Digital Europe project and best practices from a recently won project.


  • 09:00 – 09:10: Introduction
  • 09:10 – 09:30: Digital Europe in a nutshell (Uroš Malbašić)
  • 09:30 – 09:50: Presentation of a successful Digital Europe project (Marjeta Maurer)


TYPE OF WEBINAR: no live Q&A session foreseen (Qs can be directed to, answers will be sent to all participants after the webinar)

We look forward to seeing you there with our team of expert speakers!

Increase your chances - contact us. Do you need help with EU funding? Contact us
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