
TOSLA - Sladcore as the new generation table sugar

Receiving funds to implement the Feasibility Study and entering into the community of high-flying European companies, represents for the Slovenian company Tosla yet another step forward within the scope of their successful global operations.

Date: 9. 05. 2018

The project with the acronym SLADCORE deals with the natural modification of sugar molecule aiming at enhancing sugar sweetness by 40%. This means that we will be able to enjoy the taste of food and drinks as we were used to so far, but with considerably lower content of sugar calories.

The project addresses the challenges of modern society. Why? Most of us like sugar and this ingredient is found in roughly 75% of all items sold in the supermarkets today. However, we all know that sugar consumption is linked to bad health and over-consumption of sugar  inevitably leads to chronic health issues, such as obesity and conditions heavily related to obesity, like heart diesase, stroke, diabetes and cancer.

Receiving funds to implement the Feasibility Study and entering into the community of high-flying European companies, represents for the company Tosla yet another step forward within the scope of their successful global operations. TOSLA is already an established player in the natural sweetener market, developing its product SLADCORE to expand the market of naturally modified sugar to confectionery producers and other sectors of the food industry.

During 6 months of project duration, the company will perform additional assessments of technical and economic viability of its cutting-edge product and further define its commercialisation strategy.

And the company TOSLA will not stop there. In cooperation with Tiko Pro, it will pro actively work on acquiring additional funding in the framework of SME phase 2 project, that supports and facilitates innovative and fast-growing European companies by up to €2.5 million. 

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