
Europe Commits €1.5 Billion to Elevate European Defence Industry

The European Commission has unveiled a groundbreaking European Defence Industrial Strategy (EDIS) and a legislative proposal for a European Defence Industry Programme (EDIP), setting a new course for enhancing Europe's defence industry competitiveness and readiness.

Date: 14. 03. 2024

EDIS aims to fortify the European Defence Technological and Industrial Base (EDTIB), emphasizing the need for increased, smarter, and collaborative investments among EU Member States. The strategy outlines a comprehensive approach to bolster defence industrial readiness, leveraging existing frameworks such as the Capability Development Plan (CDP), Coordinated Annual Review on Defence (CARD), and Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) to streamline collective defence demands and procurement.

The European Defence Industry Programme (EDIP) is a cornerstone of this initiative, proposing an allocation of €1.5 billion from the EU budget for 2025-2027. This funding aims to enhance the EDTIB's competitiveness, extending support mechanisms for collaborative procurement, investing in cutting-edge defence technologies, and facilitating the industrialization of defence products. A notable feature of EDIP is the potential establishment of a Fund to Accelerate Defence Supply Chains Transformation (FAST), aimed at providing crucial financial support to SMEs and midcaps developing defence technologies.

EDIP also introduces innovative legal frameworks like the Structure for European Armament Programme (SEAP) to foster cooperation on defence equipment and an EU-wide regime ensuring the security of supply for defence products. Additionally, it seeks to launch European Defence Projects of Common Interest, with potential EU financial backing, and establish a governance structure for coordinated EU action in the defence sector.

This ambitious strategy and programme signify the EU's dedication to a stronger, more resilient defence industry, directly benefiting Member States and aligning with broader security and defence objectives.

Tiko Pro stands ready to support businesses and organizations in leveraging this investment opportunity in the defence sector.

For expert assistance in accessing these EU funds and maximizing your project's potential, contact us here.


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