
4. March 2021
By addressing effective healthcare services as well as promotion of health and disease...
Prosto delovno mesto: Samostojni projektni vodja za slovenske razpise
1. March 2021
Prosto delovno mesto: Samostojni projektni vodja za slovenske razpise
Imate večletne izkušnje s pripravo razpisne dokumentacije slovenskih razpisnikov (SPS, SPIRIT,...
Tiko Pro tradicionalni Podjetniški zajtrk na Hrvaškem
22. February 2021
Tiko Pro tradicionalni Podjetniški zajtrk na Hrvaškem
Za vroče novice iz sveta nepovratnih sredstev se prijavite TUKAJ.  
Ugodni krediti za razvojne projekte
15. February 2021
Ugodni krediti za razvojne projekte
Uvajate procesne izboljšave oziroma načrtujete izvedbo raziskovalno-razvojnega ali naložbenega...
Nepovratna sredstva za globalne investicije
12. February 2021
Nepovratna sredstva za globalne investicije
Evropska komisija bo podprla projekte iz različnih sektorjev za namen raziskav in razvoja...
9. February 2021
Dear Entrepreneurs,  do not miss out open and forth coming opportunities for funding...
5. February 2021
Horizon Europe Draft Work Programmes 2021-2027
The European Commission is planning to publish the final Work Programmes (WPs) by April 2021....
2. February 2021
Seal of Excellence Holders which applied under EIC Accelerator
The EIC Accelerator, designed for startups and small and medium sized enterprises, invests in...
29. January 2021
Conference about the upcoming funding opportunities in EU for circular economy
At the cross-border START CIRCLES web conference about the upcoming funding opportunities in EU...
Najavljeni ugodni krediti v letu 2021
29. January 2021
Najavljeni ugodni krediti v letu 2021
V mesecu marcu pričakujemo odprtje dveh razpisov za ugodne kredite. P1 plus 2021, ki je...
24. January 2021
Tiko Pro d.o.o. receives AAA Gold Creditworthiness Credit Rating Excellence
The certificate of rating excellence of the renown international credit rating agency Bisnode...
TIKO PRO prejemnik Zlate odličnosti AAA
22. January 2021
TIKO PRO prejemnik Zlate odličnosti AAA
Podeljeni certifikat s strani priznane mednarodne bonitetne hiše Bisnode pomeni, da smo najbolj...
21. January 2021
Seal of excellence - A consolation prize or a ticket for the future funding?
The EIC Accelerator, designed for startups and small and medium sized enterprises, invests in...
19. January 2021
Health funding agenda under Horizon Europe programme
Are you a healthcare provider, an institution for health...
12. January 2021
Horizon Europe and EIC Accelerator in the new financial perspective (2021 - 2027)
Horizon Europe is the largest framework programme of the European Union for research and...
Nepovratna sredstva in posojila v letu 2021
11. January 2021
Nepovratna sredstva in posojila v letu 2021
Ministrstvo za gospodarski razvoj in tehnologijo je pripravilo zajeten program spodbud za...
5. January 2021
Ministrstvo za gospodarski razvoj in tehnologijo načrtuje v letu 2021 za gospodarstvo...
23. December 2020
Happy New Year 2021
Dear partners and friends, 2020 is coming to an end and we will forever remember it, both on...
Tiko pro video realnost delo od doma 2020 & VOŠČILO 2021
21. December 2020
Tiko pro video realnost delo od doma 2020 & VOŠČILO 2021
Spoštovani! Letošnje zelo posebno leto se zaključuje… Tako osebno, kot poslovno si...
EU mehanizem za pravični prehod lahko zagotovi sredstva za Zasavje in Šaleško regijo v višini 1,2 milijarde EUR
20. December 2020
EU mehanizem za pravični prehod lahko zagotovi sredstva za Zasavje in Šaleško regijo v višini 1,2 milijarde EUR
Mehanizem za pravičen prehod je ključno orodje za zagotovitev, da bo prehod na podnebno...
Advanced Tips
Type Example Notes
Fuzzy kettle~ Contain terms that are close to the word kettle, such as cattle
Wild cat* Contain terms that begin with cat, such as category and the extact term cat itself
Exact-Single orange Contain the term orange
Exact-Phrase "dnn is awesome" Contain the exact phase dnn is awesome
OR orange bike Contain the term orange or bike, or both. OR, if used, must be in uppercase
orange OR bike
AND orange AND bike Contain both orange and bike. AND must be in uppercase
Combo (agile OR extreme) AND methodology Contain methodology and must also contain agile and/or extreme
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