
11. December 2020
EU leaders announced a confirmation of a new €1.8 trillion budget and economic recovery fund
The deal paves the way for new EU spending programmes covering science, education, climate...
Posnetki Tiko pro dogodka
10. December 2020
Posnetki Tiko pro dogodka
Po uspešno izvedenem TIKO PRO dogodku leta: »Kje bodo sredstva 2021-2027« smo dobili...
9. December 2020
The European Climate Pact
The European Commission launched the European Climate Pact, an EU-wide initiative inviting...
8. December 2020
2020 will simultaneously be a year to instantly forget and forever remember
The NextGenerationEU instrument will enable the EU to overcome the pandemic and to deliver the...
Dodatna sredstva na razpisu P4L lesarstvo 4.0
8. December 2020
Dodatna sredstva na razpisu P4L lesarstvo 4.0
Na razpisu LES 4.0. »Spodbude za razvoj in uvajanje novih produktov v lesarstvu« so...
7. December 2020
VIDEO: Key framework conditions for participation in the €100 million call from Innovation Fund
This call is targeting projects with a capital expenditure between €2.5 and 7.5 million,...
Webinar: »Kje bodo sredstva v 2012-2027« - Posnetek predavanj 2. dela, december 2020
2. December 2020
Webinar: »Kje bodo sredstva v 2012-2027« - Posnetek predavanj 2. dela, december 2020
Vabljeni k ogledu posnetkov popoldanskega dela dogodka. V nadaljevanju so posnetki predavanj g....
Webinar: »Kje bodo sredstva v 2012-2027« - Posnetek predavanj 1. dela, december 2020
2. December 2020
Webinar: »Kje bodo sredstva v 2012-2027« - Posnetek predavanj 1. dela, december 2020
Vabljeni k ogledu posnetkov dopoldanskega dela dogodka: predavanj državne sekretarke mag. Monike...
2. December 2020
EU launched a €100 million call in innovative clean technology projects
This call is targeting projects with a capital expenditure between €2.5 and 7.5 million,...
Tiko Pro strokovni virtualni dogodek »Kje bodo sredstva v 2012-2027« presegel pričakovanja
27. November 2020
Tiko Pro strokovni virtualni dogodek »Kje bodo sredstva v 2012-2027« presegel pričakovanja
Aktualnost teme je na dogodek pritegnila več kot 1200 udeležencev, predstavnikov vseh velikosti...
16. November 2020
EU4Health 2021 – 2027
With €9.4 billion, the proposed health programme will be the largest ever in monetary...
Aktualni razpisi ta teden
11. November 2020
Aktualni razpisi ta teden
Podjetnice in podjetniki, za vas smo naredili izbor aktualnih razpisov. Nepovratna sredstva so...
10. November 2020
Horizon Europe gets extra €4B, as intense budget talks end
EU governments and the European Parliament on Tuesday afternoon announced an extra €4...
Tiko Pro med 10 najuspešnejšimi podjetji, ki se ukvarjajo z vodenjem EU financiranih projektov
9. November 2020
Tiko Pro med 10 najuspešnejšimi podjetji, ki se ukvarjajo z vodenjem EU financiranih projektov
Naše podjetje Tiko Pro je bilo po oceni Labs Explorer izbrano med 10 najbolj uspešnih podjetij,...
Posnetek webinarja: Projektno poročanje
4. November 2020
Posnetek webinarja: Projektno poročanje
Ko podjetju na razpisu uspe pridobiti nepovratna sredstva, administracije še zdaleč ni konec....
4. November 2020
EIC Accelerator in the upcoming financial perspective 2021 – 2027
»EIC Accelerator supports high-risk, high potential small and medium sized entreprises and...
4. November 2020
Tiko Pro among the best project managers for EU-funded projects
Company Labs Explorer has prepared a review of the best project management companies for...
ThreeFold - Decentralisation in the data economy
4. November 2020
ThreeFold - Decentralisation in the data economy
Chris Hutton from company ThreeFold was joining us on our Tiko Pro event "EU funding...
30. October 2020
Check out new Tiko Pro video - Give power to your ideas with EU Funding


29. October 2020
Customer story: Solid testimony
SOLID SES is a system engineering company that provides customer-centred turnkey solutions for...
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