
13. October 2023
V pripravi: nepovratna sredstva za pospeševanje uvajanja energije iz obnovljivih virov, vključno s shranjevanjem energije in proizvodnjo toplote
Nova uredba spodbuja uvajanje obnovljivih virov energije s finančno podporo do 45%, za pravne in...
12. October 2023
The European Union Innovation Fund is a cornerstone of the EU's commitment to combating...
EU Commission to boost the competitiveness and resilience of SMEs
5. October 2023
EU Commission to boost the competitiveness and resilience of SMEs
The European Commission has recently unveiled a series of initiatives aimed at bolstering the...
Europe's STEP Forward in Technology Investments
21. September 2023
Europe's STEP Forward in Technology Investments
"Empowering Europe's technological future, the Strategic Technologies for Europe...
Summer 2023: EU's Economic Shifts and Prospects
14. September 2023
Summer 2023: EU's Economic Shifts and Prospects
The European Commission has recently provided insights into the EU's economic prospects for...
Tiko Pro d.o.o. - Na vrhu bonitetne izvrsnosti u Hrvatskoj
14. September 2023
Tiko Pro d.o.o. - Na vrhu bonitetne izvrsnosti u Hrvatskoj
 Uspješnim vođenjem tvrtke ostvarili smo vrhunske poslovne rezultate i zavrijedili jednu od...
Horizon Europe – IT on the rise
7. September 2023
Horizon Europe – IT on the rise

A brief summary of key IT -related opportunities in the remaining Horizon Europe calls.

7. September 2023
Nepovratna sredstva za energetsko obnovo poslovnih objektov
V času, ko se svet sooča z naraščajočo potrebo po trajnostnih energetskih rešitvah, je Slovenija...
Key EU's Research and Innovation Developments for Autumn 2023
31. August 2023
Key EU's Research and Innovation Developments for Autumn 2023
As summer concludes, the European Union's research and policy sectors are preparing for an...
28. August 2023
Kje bodo nepovratna sredstva do konca leta 2023?
V zadnjem kvartalu letošnjega leta je napovedanih še nekaj razpisov za pridobitev nepovratnih...
Am I ready to assume the coordinator role in a collaborative EU project?
24. August 2023
Am I ready to assume the coordinator role in a collaborative EU project?
Working with national funding programmes is a challenging task. Your successful exploitation of...
22. August 2023
Inovacijska uspešnost EU se še naprej izboljšuje
Evropska unija (EU) je v zadnjih letih dosegla pomembne korake naprej na področju inovacij. Po...
11. August 2023
Pomoč podjetjem po poplavah
Ministrstvo je včeraj objavilo pripravljene ukrepe za podjetja, ki so utrpela škodo zaradi...
Open Calls Horizon 2023/24
10. August 2023
Open Calls Horizon 2023/24
The calls of the Horizon 2023/24 work programme are slowly but surely coming to an end. The last...
EU Industrial Policy: A Leap Towards Enhanced Competitiveness and Climate Neutrality
3. August 2023
EU Industrial Policy: A Leap Towards Enhanced Competitiveness and Climate Neutrality
The European Commission has been actively working to augment Europe's industrial...
EU innovation performance continues to improve
27. July 2023
EU innovation performance continues to improve
The 2023 European Innovation Scoreboard reveals a significant improvement in innovation...
26. July 2023
Trajnostne in zelene naložbe so pot do razvoja v gospodarstvu
EU v svojih programih posveča vedno več pozornosti okolju. Če želimo, da nas čaka svetla in...
26. July 2023
Trajnostne in zelene naložbe so pot do razvoja v gospodarstvu
EU v svojih programih posveča vedno več pozornosti okolju. Če želimo, da nas čaka svetla in...
European Union`s actions to prevent shortages of antibiotics for next winter
20. July 2023
European Union`s actions to prevent shortages of antibiotics for next winter
Under its new mandate, EMA (European Medicines Agency) has responsibilities to monitor critical...
19. July 2023
Do 70.000 EUR nepovratnih sredstev za podjetja iz lesno-predelovalne industrije!
Za lesno-predelovalna podjetja je v letošnjem letu predvidenih 13 mio EUR, za spodbujanje...
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Fuzzy kettle~ Contain terms that are close to the word kettle, such as cattle
Wild cat* Contain terms that begin with cat, such as category and the extact term cat itself
Exact-Single orange Contain the term orange
Exact-Phrase "dnn is awesome" Contain the exact phase dnn is awesome
OR orange bike Contain the term orange or bike, or both. OR, if used, must be in uppercase
orange OR bike
AND orange AND bike Contain both orange and bike. AND must be in uppercase
Combo (agile OR extreme) AND methodology Contain methodology and must also contain agile and/or extreme
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