
With strong collaborative approach in the EU level funded projects, choose your partners wisely

EU projects are usually structured as a collaboration between a group of partners who share tasks and responsibilities. This means that finding the right partners and setting up the collaboration or consortium is a key preparatory task, but finding the right partner is often easier said than done.

Date: 5. 07. 2023

When it comes to EU funding opportunities, you will almost always come across the criteria of strong collaborative approach. This is the most common requirement in the EU projects.

Generally, the consortium needs to be composed of partners from different Member States and Associated countries that bring together complementary expertise in research and business. The EU programmes usually require a minimum of 3 partners, but there is no upper limit defined. While most consortia have between 4 and 10 partners, it is not unusual to have up to 30 or 40 partners. The EU`s position on the topic is clear, but rather neutral: it merely states that the partnership needs to be »manageable«. However, the manageability of such a consortium, already at the stage of partner onboarding, can pose several challenges to the lead partner responsible for the consortium composition.

Such a collaborative approach requires involvement of different entities, with different knowledge and skills. The selection of partners can be quite a sensitive topic, as not every onboarded partner turns out to be a wise choice. This may cause a lot of irritation, as a passive partner, or a partner who leaves the consortium at a late stage of the proposal preparation, can jeopardize the entire process.  

Therefore, it is advisable to work with partners who have been vetted by you or by one of your existing consortium partners, and who have proven their commitment and competence in EU funded projects. You don't want to waste months of work on a large application if the partnership falls apart or a key partner drops out.
Of course, you can also try to find new partners who you have not worked with before, but this comes with higher risks. You can use the partner search tools offered by most of the EU programmes to identify potential stakeholders who are interested in working on EU funded projects.

If you want to succeed in EU funding, you therefore need to work on expanding your network of cross-border and international partners and collaborators, as they are your ticket to joint collaborative projects. But remember to choose your partners wisely, as they will influence the quality and dynamics of the project preparation.

If you need any assistance or consulting with the partner selection, contact us here.


Karmen Vidonja Ozvatič, Mag.

Karmen is an accomplished expert in national and EU-level funded programs, bringing almost 20 years of professional experience in this field. She has an in-depth understanding of the struggles and challenges involved in the application procedures and a profound knowledge of how EU funding mechanisms work. Karmen has worked on several large-scale projects, providing her with a unique perspective and valuable insights into the successful management of the transition from national to EU-funded projects. Her expertise has helped numerous organizations secure funding for their projects and achieve their business goals.

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