
SME project phase 1 - Early dementia diagnosis

The last SME Instrument Phase 1 cut-off date was a blast - we have yet another success story to share with you. Read feedback from our Maltese partner!

Date: 21. 11. 2019

"Our project represents a novelty in the process of diagnosing dementia, a neurodegenerative disease that leads to a loss of all mental abilities, making patients completely dependent on constant care and supervision. Our approach involves the use of electroencephalography (EEG), which measures the electrical activity of the brain and is regularly used in clinical practice to diagnose epilepsy. As a contrast to existing clinical EEGs that are oftentimes too difficult to use, we are developing a mobile, easy-to-use EEG for early dementia diagnosis. We have managed to develop and successfully test an EEG-based algorithm, which can identify biomarkers of dementia in the acquired brain signals. This algorithm processes EEG data and returns a simple score that indicates the likelihood that a person is suffering from dementia. Physicians can use it to help them diagnose patients earlier and prescribe treatment sooner.

The assistance of Tiko Pro was instrumental in our process of applying for the SME grant. Not only did their team help us streamline our materials and formulate our prepositions, but they established a support system that was crucial in navigating the involved documentation procedure and overcoming bureaucratic obstacles. We had gone through several unsuccessful applications for the SME grant on our own, we are convinced that Tiko Pro’s efforts have been essential to our project getting recognition this time around."

Our client got €50.000 funding for the implementation of a Feasibility Study which represent a great start for EIC Accelerator Pilot application and getting up to €2,5 million funding.

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