
Tiko Pro - 10 years of successful business

Tiko Pro is celebrating 10 years of  successful business. On this occasion, we prepared an interview with Kristina Kočet Hudrap, owner and CEO of the company.

Date: 10. 06. 2020


What do you remember most about opening a company and from the first year of operation? How was it, how did you experience your entrepreneurial beginnings?

My name is Kristina Kočet Hudrap and I`m the owner and CEO of the company Tiko Pro. I never imagined having a business of my own. Years ago and for a brief period of time, I was an employee of a large company and after losing my job, I hesitated between looking for a new job or establishing my own company. Since at that time I just finished college, I really didn`t understand much about the challenges of entrepreneurship. However, my team and I, perhaps slightly naive at the beginning, we have mastered all obstacles with flying colors.  

Admittedly, there was a factor of “beginners’ luck” involved, but we were very committed and we worked hard. With the right staff we managed to close the first year of operation successfully. Next to my dedicated team, one of the reason for company`s success were also our first clients who trusted and believed in us.  

The main source of my professional motivation is the freedom to create my own destiny. However, this comes with great responsibility for my staff and the company environment. 

Which values are the most important for long-term success of your business? 

Trust, respect and honesty. Any form of relationship should be based on trust. Without it, relationships have only short-term perspectives. Respect is an important value of every individual, regardless professional functions. Let me rephrase: "If you expect to be respected, ask yourself, how much respect do you have for others." And, of course, honesty as an essential element of all business relations. 

What are the most important milestones of the company, how did you develop your products during that time?  

This question made me realize how changeable the business environment is, and life itself. In a relatively short period of time, we have had three important milestones. 

  • The first milestone was in 2012, when I first became a mom and I operationally withdrew from the company. During this time, we did not develop any new products, but we streamlined the organization and company processes. I am very proud that during this time we laid a healthy foundation, which we are continuously upgrading. 
  • The second milestone was in 2014, when we faced a “period of silence”. Namely, until 2013 almost 95% of our revenues were generated through national (Slovenian) projects. When realizing that national calls for proposals were to temporarily shut down in 2014, we started looking for opportunities elsewhere in order to keep the business running. We began to work on EU applications, like Horizon 2020 or Horizon Europe, as it will be called as of next year. In addition to project documentation preparation, we also provided assistance in financial and administrative monitoring of projects. We also opened a subsidiary in Croatia. 
  • 2019 was marked with a change in company ownership and a shift in the management team and I would really like to thank the whole team for accepting this so positively. This year we also became the national winner in the category of business services at the international competition European Business Awards. Our recognition as a consulting company grew also on the international market through successful project work within Horizon 2020. 

Why is Tiko Pro team the best, and how is this success seen through the success stories of your customers? 

We help our business partners increase their competitiveness in the international business environment. We offer project related support services in R&D and we are the right choice in efforts to obtain EU funding. In the past 10 years, we have contributed to over 900 approved national and EU projects, we have helped acquire over 140 million EUR and we have more than 700 clients in Slovenia and abroad. Let me stress, that over 90% of these projects are also successful in implementation. And all those, who have already worked with us know, that our team has a big heart, is business-oriented and fully committed to projects of our business partners. 

What do you think Tiko Pro will look like at the end of this decade, 2029-2030, what is your vision? 

Our long-term vision is to create and affirm the Tiko Pro brand in Europe and to position ourselves as a synonym for European funding. We will follow the path of digitalization and want to remain an open-hearted and family-friendly company. 

What do you want to share with your business partners and your employees on the 10th year anniversary?  

Follow your dreams, be committed and engaged to make your ideas come true. Be honest with yourself and don`t be afraid to accept advice. Enjoy and be brave!

Increase your chances - contact us. Do you need help with EU funding? Contact us
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