
Tiko Pro d.o.o. receives AAA Gold Creditworthiness Credit Rating Excellence

The certificate of rating excellence of the renown international credit rating agency Bisnode confirms that we are the most reliable, credible and low-risk business partner to work with all economic operators.

Date: 24. 01. 2021

The Gold Creditworthiness Rating is a method, based on various criteria to assess the company`s credit rating over a longer period of time – among others, financial solvency, creditworthiness, indebtedness, profitability and other criteria that would imply the risk of being in business with.

Companies with AAA Gold Credit Rating Excellence operate with above-average results and demonstrate extreme low probability of negative developments in the next twelve months.

This year, only 6,92% of Slovenian companies qualify as holders of the Certificate.  

Kristina Kočet Hudrap, owner of Tiko Pro d.o.o.: »The AAA Gold Creditworthiness Credit Rating Excellence is a validation and an acknowledgment of what we do and how we do it. It gives us a motivation and a fuel to keep going, to strive to achieve great results also in the future. This certificate is undoubtedly a recognition of all our team effort. Thank you.«

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