
Tiko Pro received an Excellent SME certificate

The credit reporting company Coface Adriatic carried out the evaluation and preparation of the credit report and confirmed the success of our company.

Date: 12. 10. 2020

Chamber of Commerce and Industry Slovenia is issuing the certificate in cooperation with renowned credit rating agency COFACE Slovenia to the most successful small and medium companies in Slovenia. We are proud that we passed the evaluation rating for our company. This allows us to obtain website certificate Excellent SME Slovenia for another year.

Our certificate:

The »Excellent SME« delivers up-to-date business performance certificate (‘good standing certificate’) issued to successful small and medium-sized companies. By using the certificate on their webpages, stationery, and promo materials, these SMEs demonstrate their credibility while existing and potential new partners are able to gain trust and decrease financial and other risks.

About the project: Three pillars of trust

  1. Chamber of Commerce
    The main role of the Chamber of Commerce is the trustworthiness of organization as everybody, companies and Internet users, are familiar with them. Chambers of Commerce encourage companies to gain higher credit report scores in order to become an Excellent SME and pushing companies into better payment discipline.
  2. Data provider
    Coface as a reliable data provider, which provide credit reports, monitor the company’s business behavior all year round from the moment the certificate is issued. In case a company would lose the required (assessment) score, the seal/certificate is removed from their web page immediately since the technology enables total control over the appearance of seals/certificates.
  3. Technology provider
    SafeSigned innovative technology helps fighting cybercrime with consumer protection, personal data protection, identity protection, antiphishing and for more demanding companies – DNS redirection attacks protection of their websites.
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