
Webinar: "EIC ACCELERATOR through the perspective of the evaluator" - posnetek, julij 2021

If you are an SME with a breakthrough innovative project, already in a phase of a prototype, and would like to push international boundaries, then the EIC Accelerator can help you accelerate your growth!

Date: 5. 07. 2021

Take the opportunity, watch our Webinar and find out more about:

• the projects that EIC Accelerator financially supports;
• the amounts that can be granted (70%, between 500.000 € and 2,5 million €, blended finance- up to 15 million €);
• tips and tricks for a successful application process.


Our speakers also answered the questions that the participants asked before and during the event. You can download the file HERE.

Increase your chances - contact us. Do you need help with EU funding? Contact us
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