DEP & CEF: 5 projects - 100% success rate

Date: 3. 10. 2024

At Tiko Pro, we are proud to have successfully submitted five projects under the 2 prestigious EU Programmes; Digital Europe Programme and Connecting Europe Facility. These projects reflect our commitment to driving innovation and supporting our clients in accessing critical European funding. Our expertise and dedication ensure that we continue to foster growth and contribute to Europe's transformation.

Number of projects: 5
Success rate: 100%
Value: 35,5 million €


Digital Europe Programme

Project 1: Enhancing SOC capabilities with AI

  • Value: 10 M€
  • Co-financing: 50% | Personnel costs, subcontracting, purchase, other, indirect
  • Consortium: Public Entity (Lead) | Participating partners: SMEs, Research Institute, Large enterprises and Government bodies

The project provides comprehensive cybersecurity protection for critical infrastructure by equipping the national electro- energetic Security Operations Centre (SOC) with advanced AI and CTI technologies for faster threat detection and response. By supporting national SOCs and cross-border SOC platforms, the project enhances threat analysis and prevention, producing high-quality intelligence. It will pilot innovative, interoperable solutions with market potential. With 13 project partners, the project promotes efficient communication and information sharing, boosting cybersecurity at national and EU levels.

Project 2: Enhancing Cybersecurity and SOC capabilities

  • Value: 9,8 M€
  • Co-financing: 50% | Personnel costs, subcontracting, purchase, other, indirect
  • Consortium: Large Enterprise (Lead) | Participating partners: SME, Public Entity, Research Institute

The project aims to create a central Threat Sharing Platform (TSP) to improve cybersecurity collaboration across borders. Partners will use the MISP platform for seamless knowledge sharing and enhanced security. The TSP will aggregate data from various sources, processed by advanced algorithms to ensure privacy through automated anonymization. The project focuses on building strong cross-border cooperation, enhancing SOC cybersecurity capabilities, and ensuring data protection compliance. By consolidating resources and expertise, it will help partners address cybersecurity challenges more effectively and mitigate emerging threats proactively.

Project 3: Underpin - Data sharing platform for manufacturing

  • Value: 6.6 M€
  • Co-financing: 50 - 75% | Personnel costs, subcontracting, purchase, other, indirect
  • Consortium: Large Enterprise (Lead) | Participating partners: SME, Research and Innovation Center
  • Partners: Motor Oil Hellas (MOH), Athena Research Center (ARC), Semantic Web Company (SWC), WATERMELON (WM), AIT Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), Tiko Pro (TP), INNOV-ACTS (INNOV), Space Hellas (SPH), Motor Oil Renewable Energy (MORE), Ontotext (OT), Harokopio University of Athens (HUA)
  • Webpage:

The project aims to create a European-wide Data Space for Manufacturing, enhancing asset management and maintenance in the refinery and renewable energy sectors. It offers a secure, user-friendly platform compliant with EU standards, enabling cross-organizational data sharing while maintaining data sovereignty. Key features include advanced data analysis, reduced downtimes, extended machine usage, and improved designs, with demonstrators in oil refineries and wind farms showcasing benefits. the project will enhance security, interoperability, and scalability, and develop a trust framework and sustainable business model for widespread adoption across Europe.

Project 4: CRACoWi - Ensuring digital product compliance to Cyber Resilience Act

  • Value: 8.4 M€
  • Co-financing: 50% | Personnel costs, subcontracting, purchase, other, indirect
  • Consortium: SME (Lead) | Participating partners: Large enterprise, Public Entity, Governmental Entity
  • Partners: Motor Oil Hellas (MOH), Motor Oil Renewable Energy (MORE), Onekey (OK).7LAYERS A BUREAU VERITAS-Centre for Technological Support, Development and Innovation (KETYAK), SLOA, AppArt (APRT), Tiko Pro (TP), Erminas Gmbh (ERMI). Sevenshift Gmbh (SES), MEAZON SA (MEAZ), Digital, Innovation Hub Slovenia (DIHS), URSIV
  • Webpage:

The project tackles cybersecurity challenges in the European digital market by introducing essential measures throughout the product supply chain. The project supports SMEs by ensuring cybersecurity from a product's inception through its lifecycle, offering automated compliance assessments and enhanced security using AI. The project helps stakeholders demonstrate regulatory compliance and communicate security standards effectively, while also providing dissemination and capacity-building activities to navigate the Cyber Resilience Act's complexities.

Connecting Europe Facility

Project 5: Telemach - 5G Deployment study

  • Value: 0.7 M€
  • Co-financing: 50% | Personnel costs, subcontracting, purchase, other, indirect
  • Consortium: Large Enterprise (Lead) | Participating partners: SME, academic, public sector

The project aims to define the necessary 5G infrastructure for future traffic services along the TEN-T transport corridor between Slovenia and Croatia, connecting the ports of Koper and Rijeka. Spanning 378 km, the study will create transferable steps for other corridors. It includes four scenarios: current infrastructure, initial CAM services, advanced CAM services with real-time information exchange, and future networks requiring high data throughput and low latencies. The project supports the EU's digital strategy and 2030 Digital Compass.

At Tiko Pro, we have achieved a 100% success rate in all our international project submissions in 2023/24, with the last four projects approved under the Digital Europe programme. This success is a testament to our perseverance, innovation and outstanding team. We are proud of our key role in dissemination and communication of results in all projects, which reaffirms our commitment to spreading knowledge and innovation. A big thank you to all our partners and team members for their support. This achievement is the result of our collective effort and dedication.

Kristina Kočet Hudrap

CEO Tiko Pro d.o.o.



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